Table Entry

TMAJ provides a way to view/ modify data in an table-like format.  This document describes some of the features. 

Block Input
The table where blocks are input into TMAJ.

Button Descriptions
Displays the Search Dialog
Saves changes to the database. No changes are made until the save button is pressed.
Adds a new row
Indicate the row is to be deleted. (The row is not actually deleted until the Save button is clicked.)
Brings up the Hide Columns Dialog where you can choose which columns you want hidden or displayed.
Clears the table, such that there are no rows.
Exports the data shown in the table to a tab-delimited text file.
Changes the table to Single Entry Mode
Shows who has modified a row, and when.  See History Dialog


To Search:

Step 1: Select a field to search.  For example, SurgPathNumber.  If you select a field that is enumerated (meaning it has choices), the choices will appear in the list on the very left.  If the field is not enumerated (meaning you just type a value in) the list on the left will be disabled, and you can enter the value in the textfield in the middle.

Step 2: Select a value to search.  For example, S55-12345.  Or if the field is enumerated, select what values you want to return in the list.  Note: If you want to return every value in the table, leave everything blank.  Also note if you are not an administrator:  the program will only return what rows to which you have access.

Step 3: Choose the columns you want to get.  If the column is greyed out, it means it is a required column, meaning that the column won't accept an empty value should you choose to add another row.  To get all columns in the table, hit the Select All button.  To get only the required columns for the table, click Unselect All.

Step 4: Click the OK button.

Note: The Get Type Specific Fields is only shown for dynamic tables.  If this checkBox is selected, this search will return columns that are specific for certain types.  If this checkbox is left unchecked, only common fields will be returned (that is, fields that are common to all types.)
Search Dialog
The Search Dialog for the Specimens table

Single Entry Mode

Clicking the Single Checkbox places the table in Single Entry Mode.  This displays one row vertically.  Thus, you see one row on the entire screen.  This is useful if the table has a lot of columns and they are hard to see on just one screen.  Unselecting the checkbox returns the table to multiple-entry (normal) mode.

Single Entry Mode Buttons
<< Go to the table's first row
Go to the previous row
Go to the next row
Go to the table's last row

Single Entry Mode
Single Entry Mode

Hiding Columns

Sometimes it is easier to view the tables with only some of the columns visible.  Click the Hide button, and select which columns you want to view.
Show Columns Dialog

Sort, Filter, & Find Dialog

The Sort/Filter/Find dialog can be displayed by right clicking on any cell in the table. 

Sort/Filter/Find Dialog Buttons
Sort Ascending
Sorts the table by ordering the selected column in ascending order
Sort Descending
Same as 'Sort Ascending' but in reverse order
Filter By Value
Hide rows whose value is different than the clicked-on cell.
Filter Excluding Value
Reverse of 'Filter by value'.  Hide rows that have the same value as the clicked-on cell.
Calculates the average value for a column
Sums the values of a column up
Displays the Find Dialog
Hide Column
Hides the selected column
Remove Filter/Sort
Sets the table to it's original look before any sorting or filtering was performed.

Sort/ Filter/ Find Dialog
Sort/ Filter/ Find Dialog

Find Dialog

The find dialog can be used to find values in a table, and optionally replace them.
The "Look In" field refers to the column that is being searched.
Find Dialog
Find Dialog

Forwarding Buttons

You will notice these buttons on the Blocks Tab in the Specimens Application: Forwarding Buttons
These are called forwarding buttons.   They appear in several TableEntry places in TMAJ, and always have a <<< or >>> in them.
Here is how they work:
  1. Click on one or more rows.  Each row represents 1 block.  (Hold down the CTRL button to select multiple blocks.)
  2. Click the Tissue Diagnosis Forwarding Button
    You will be taken the TissueDiagnosis tab, and all TissueDiagnosis's for that block will be displayed.

    If you were to have clicked the specimens forwarding button, it would have taken you to the Specimens Tab, and shown you the specimens from where this block came. 

For database users: Forwarding buttons represent a 1 to many relationships.  A specimens has many blocks, and a block has many tissueDiagnosis's. 

History Dialog

The History Dialog.   The History Dialog can be displayed by highlighting a row and then clicking the History button.  It shows the history of changes to the row, namely what field was changed, the new value, the date of change, and who changed it.

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