
Class Summary
ArrayImageDynamicField Represents a record in the ArrayImageFieldsNames Table.
ArrayImageDynamicMetaData The DynamicMetaData class for the ArrayImages section, this contains support for dynamic Scoring Strategies.
DynamicDataRecord Represents data that would be found in one record of a dynamic data table (for example, SpecimenData)
DynamicEnumeration Represents a record found in the Dynamic Enumerations Tables (such as TissueDiagnosisEnums)
DynamicMetaData Represents the MetaData for a Dynamic table.
DynamicTField The TField for a Dynamic table.
DynamicValue Represents a combination of the EnumerationID and FieldValue columns in a dynamic data table (xxxData).

Enum Summary
ArrayImageDynamicField.AIDynamicFieldType Either a REGULAR_DYNAMIC_FIELD or a SCORING_STRATEGY_FIELD