Package edu.jhu.tmaj.client.arraybuilder

Provides the gui classes for running the ArrayBuilder application on the client.


Class Summary
ArrayBlockFrame The gui that holds an ArrayBlock in the ArrayBuilder application.
ArrayBuilderGUI The main gui class for the ArrayBuilder application
ArrayBuilderTable Represents the JTable-related classes in the ArrayBuilder application.
CopyArrayBlockDialog A Dialog used for copying the design of one ArrayBlock to another.
CoreDataPanel Represents the bottom panel in the ArrayBuilder application that displays the Specimen and Donor-Block information when a user clicks on an individual ArrayCore coordinate.
ExpressEntryDialog A dialog in the ArrayBuilder App that allows the user to quickly obtain a TissueDiagnosisID by entering specimen and and donor-block information.
OpenedArrayBlocksPanel A panel that shows all the ArrayBlocks the user has opened.
TissueDiagnosisIDPanel Represents a panel located at the top of the ArrayBuilder application.

Package edu.jhu.tmaj.client.arraybuilder Description

Provides the gui classes for running the ArrayBuilder application on the client. ArrayBuilder can be used with or without the DataInput application.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: