Package edu.jhu.tmaj.client.shared

Contains GUI components shared by client applications.


Interface Summary
IndexablePanel Generally implemented by a JTabbedPane, these methods allow a foreign object to switch the panel to a different tab.

Class Summary
AboutDialog A Dialog that displays the version number, credits, and copyright information about TMAJ.
ButtonClickActionListener An ActionListener that pressing a button when a user hits the return button in a text field.
ChangePasswordDialog A frame that allows users to change their password
ClosingWindowListener This class calls the abstract method handleWindowClosed whenever a window is closed, either programmatically or by the user.
CurrentUser Stores information about the user who is currently using the application.
HelpDialog A dialog that contains a url where help information is available.
LoginDialog A frame that displays a log-in prompt
LogoutWindowListener A WindowListener that informs the server the user has logged out when a specified window is closed
MainApplicationGUI The first screen a user sees when they log into TMAJ.
MenuHelper Holds the HELP and ABOUT MenuItems.
OptionsGUI The GUI displayed when the options button is clicked.
PanelForwarder A Utility class that returns a 'forwarding' labeled '<<<' or '>>>'.
PasswordDialog A Dialog that prompts the user for a password.
SimpleProgressDialog This class is used to display a dialog containing an indeterminate ProgressBar.

Enum Summary

Package edu.jhu.tmaj.client.shared Description

Contains GUI components shared by client applications. For instance, each application requires a logon, so thus the LoginFrame is shared.