Package edu.jhu.tmaj.database.conn

Contains classes for generating and managing database connections.


Interface Summary
ConnectionFactory A ConnectionFactory is used to generate new Connections to the database.
ConnectionManager Interface for managing connections to the database.

Class Summary
AbstractConnectionFactory Base Class for ConnectionFactories.
ConnectionFactoryGetter A utility class that gets a proper ConnectionFactory given the proper database type and database parameters.
ConnectionManagerGetter A Utility class that gets a ConnectionManager given the proper database type and database parameters.
DatabaseParameters Represents parameters used to connect to a database, such as IP address and login information.
MySqlConnectionFactory Generates database Connections to a MySQL database.
OracleConnectionFactory A ConnectionFactory that generates new connections to an Oracle database.
PooledConnectionManager A connection factory that supports and reuses multiple connections to the database in a thread-safe manner.
SQLServerConnectionFactory A ConnectionFactory to a Microsoft SQLServer database.
SybaseConnectionFactory Generates new connections to a Sybase database.

Package edu.jhu.tmaj.database.conn Description

Contains classes for generating and managing database connections. A connectionFactory generates connections, while a manager manages them, say, in a object pool. This package is useful as a stand-alone package for generating and managing multiple connections to multiple different databases. Generally, it will wrapped and the program will only have access to a getConnection() method.