Class Summary |
ArrayCoreReferenceResponse |
Contains an ArrayCoreReferenceBean |
ArrayCoresGetResponse |
Contains a List of ArrayCoreBeans |
ArrayImageCollectionResponse |
Contains an ArrayImageCollectionBean |
ArrayImageCoresResponse |
CellLinesReferenceResponse |
CheckIfSpecimenExistsResponse |
Contains booleans representing if a Specimen and TissueDiagonsis exist in the database. |
DetailsResponse |
Contains information to create a table describing each X and Y position. |
DiagnosisLookupResponse |
Contains the FieldID and EnumID of the looked-up diagnosis the ArrayImages table. |
DynamicMetaDataResponse |
Contains an initialized MetaDataBean |
EnumerationsResponse |
Contains a list of StaticEnumerations obtained from an EnumerationsRequest. |
ExpressEntryResponse |
Contains a patientID,SpecimenID,BlockID, tissueDiagnosisID. |
ExternalFileCoordinateResponse |
FileChecksumResponse |
FileDownloadResponse |
FileResponse |
FilesResponse |
FolderResponse |
FoldersResponse |
GrossDescriptionResponse |
Contains the GrossDescription and Diagnosis of a specimen. |
GrossDescriptionWipeResponse |
Contains the number of records checked and the number of records updated during a Gross
Description Wipe. |
HistoryResponse |
A Response showing information about who modified a database record, and when they modified it. |
ImageInfoResponse |
Contains a string describing background information about an ArrayImage, including information
from the specimen, donor-block, and tissue diagnosis. |
ImagesDirectoryResponse |
Contains a list of ArrayImageBeans that will go on to be put in the database;
"NumberOfImagesAlreadyInserted", represents how many images have been inserted on this
ArraySlide, and "NumberOfImagesWithNoArrayCore" represents how many of the files in the
directory can not be inserted because an ArrayCore could not be located. |
InitDatabaseResponse |
Contains a String identifying the changes made to initialize the database. |
IsArrayBlockBlankResponse |
Contains a boolean on whether the ArrayBlock is blank, and if not, how many cores are designed. |
KeyValueGetResponse |
LoginResponse |
The UserBean returned to the client when the client provides the UserBean's correct username and
password. |
LookupTableResponse |
Contains a map with the primary key ids of the lookup table as its keys, and lookupRecords as it
values. |
MachineScoresImportResponse |
Contains a CompletionMessage, along with any warnings the Request generated while executing. |
MachineScoresInfoResponse |
Contains a String with all the auto-scored data of a specified ArrayImage |
ManyToManyResponse |
Contains an initialized ManyToManyBean. |
MasksResponse |
MessagesResponse |
MetaDataAddResponse |
Contains the primary key ID that the database assigned during the add. |
OriginalTypeResponse |
Contains an ArrayImageIDs original TissueTypeID in the TissueDiagnosis. |
QuantityLeftResponse |
Contains the quantity left on a sample. |
RecentSessionGetResponse |
SelectResponse |
Contains a List of BasicTableBeans and columnIdentifiers. |
SessionDescriptionsResponse |
ShapesLoadResponse |
Contains a List of ShapeRecords that will be displayed on an ArrayImage for the user. |
ShapesSaveResponse |
Contains a List of Drawables |
SpecimenIdentifiersResponse |
Contain two Maps that help identify if a specimen or patient is in the database. |
SurgPathNumberResponse |
TranslatedRowResponse |
Contains information on how many specimens/patients were inserted or updated. |
UpdateResponse |
Contains a JBean, possibly with an updated PrimaryKey ID if an INSERT was performed. |
UsedTissueTypesResponse |
Contains a list of integers where the integers are tissueTypeIDs that have been used in the
original arrayBlock. |
UsersSessionsGetResponse |
Contains a List of UserPermissions for a particular Session. |