Automatic Lookup Feature

The autolookup features is designed to speed up the scoring of TMA images.  This feature automatically enters the original diagnosis of the tissue.  Autolookup can be turned on by clicking on "options", and then selecting either "Unassigned Type Only" or "Unassigned Type and Diagnosis".

Autolookup Options
Turns autolookup off; user must manually choose all values
Unassigned Types Only
Lookup up the general type (for example Prostate-Carcinoma) but not the more specific diagnosis
Unassigned Type and Diagnosis
Lookup both the general type and more specific diagnosis in the table

When autolookup enters a diagnosis, it highlights the value in yellow.  Here the autolookup gives the user the general type (Prostate--Carcinoma), as well as more specific primary_histologic_type (Prostatic Adenocarninoma, Gleason 3, Non Cribriform).  If the user selected "Unassigned Types Only", the more specific Primary_Histologic_type would not have been entered.  Note: Users must make sure the Accept Box is checked in order for the application to save the autolookup data. 

screenshot of autolookup

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