Class CachedBeans

  extended by edu.jhu.tmaj.beans.cache.CachedBeans

public final class CachedBeans
extends java.lang.Object

Represents a holding class for commonly used Beans. Unlike CachedLookupTables, JBeans hold more complicated information than a simple lookup table with only two columns. A JBean contains a method that only returns certain beans depending on which user is logged on, as well as the type of search that was requested.

Method Summary
static void clear()
static JBean getBean(CacheableBean cBean, java.lang.Integer id)
static java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,JBean> getBeanMap(CacheableBean cBean)
static java.util.List<JBean> getFreshBeansList(JBean bean)
          Returns a FRESH List of Beans of type bean based on the request type.
static void refreshCache(CacheableBean cBean)
static void updateCache(CacheableBean cBean, JBean bean)
static void updateCacheForBean(JBean bean)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static JBean getBean(CacheableBean cBean,
                            java.lang.Integer id)


public static void refreshCache(CacheableBean cBean)


public static void updateCache(CacheableBean cBean,
                               JBean bean)


public static void updateCacheForBean(JBean bean)


public static java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,JBean> getBeanMap(CacheableBean cBean)


public static java.util.List<JBean> getFreshBeansList(JBean bean)
Returns a FRESH List of Beans of type bean based on the request type. This method actually re-queries the database, so any updates will now be present in this cache. The server will know based on the user requesting if they need all references or just some of them.


public static void clear()