Interface Summary | |
CacheableStaticMetaData.StaticMetaDataHolder | Holds the StaticMetaData for a table in TMAJ. |
Class Summary | |
CacheableStaticMetaData.AnimalExperimentsHolder | The StaticMetaData for the Animal Experiments Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.ArraySlidesHolder | The StaticMetaData for the ArraySlides Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.BlockOrSlideExchangesHolder | The StaticMetaData for the BlockOrSlideExchanges Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.BlocksHolder | The StaticMetaData for the Blocks Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.BlockUsagesAltHolder | The StaticMetaData for the BlockUsagesAlt Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.BloodHolder | The StaticMetaData for the BloodSamples Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.CellLineExperimentsHolder | The StaticMetaData for the CellLineExperiments Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.CellLinesHolder | The StaticMetaData for the CellLines Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.EnumsGetter | A Utility class for getting the enumerations for a particular choice. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.MachineSessionsHolder | The StaticMetaData for the MachineSessions Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.MolecularSamplesHolder | The StaticMetaData for the MolecularSamples Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.PaperHolder | The StaticMetaData for the Papers Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.PatientsHolder | The StaticMetaData for the Patients Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.SampleUsagesHolder | The StaticMetaData for the SampleUsagess Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.ScanHolder | The StaticMetaData for the Scans Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.SlidesHolder | The StaticMetaData for the Slides Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.SpecimensHolder | The StaticMetaData for the Specimens Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.TissueDiagnosisHolder | The StaticMetaData for the TissueDiagnosisH Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.TissueHolder | The StaticMetaData for the TissueSamples Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.UrineHolder | The StaticMetaData for the UrineSamples Table. |
CacheableStaticMetaData.UsersHolder | The StaticMetaData for the Users Table. |
CachedBeans | Represents a holding class for commonly used Beans. |
CachedDynamicMetaData | A holder for DynamicMetaData on the client's side. |
CachedLookupTables | Represents all cached lookup tables in TMAJ. |
CachedManyToManyBeans | Contains initialized ManyToManyBeans on the client Side of TMAJ. |
CachedStaticMetaData | A holder for ALL StaticMetaData used in TMAJ. |
CacheUtils | Utility functions for the cache TMAJ clients use. |
GenericBeans | A holder class for generic JBeans, with their StaticMetaData initialized. |
Enum Summary | |
CacheableBean | Any JBean whose records may be cached in CachedBeans. |
CacheableDynamicMetaData | Represents the 3 tables which have DynamicMetaData. |
CacheableStaticMetaData | Represents JBeans who StaticMetaData is cached. |
Contains classes that cache JBeans,Lookup Tables,ManyToManyBeans,StaticMetaData, and DynamicMetaData.
The data in the cache is used throughout the program. It would be inefficient to query for the data
each time it is used. In addition, having it in a cache provides a standard way to access Lookup Tables
as well as some JBeans.
Remember that all cacheing is done on the client side.
If it were done on the server side, the data would very quickly get old and out of date.
The only type of data that is shared on the server are the database connections.
On the server, there should be no public static variables.