
Provides data structures and helper classes for running the Image Analysis application.


Interface Summary
ArrayImageSettable An frame that can be set to a certain state or value calling a setArrayImageData(ArrayImageData) method.

Class Summary
ArrayImageCell This class represents an ArrayImage in the ArraySlideFrame,ArrayImageFrame, and DotDataFrame.
ArrayImageRenderer A TableCellRenderer and a JLabel that properly renders an ArrayImage in the ArraySlideFrame.
ArrayImagesClipBoard A class that enables coping and pasting of scoring data in the Images application.
ButtonEditor A TableCellEditor that displays a JButton.
DisposeRelatedWindowsListener Added to a major window such that when the window is closed, all related windows are also closed.
DividedComboBox A ComboBox that divides its elements into groups.
FastCollection<E> Similar to a List, this class provides a fastIndexOf(object) method that is quicker.
GroupQueryFrame A GUI Frame for allowing the user to do GROUP-style queries on data.
HeaderTableScrollPane A ScrollPane that displays row numbers for a JTable.
LookedUpDynamicEnumeration A DynamicEnumeration that has been automatically looked up by the software.
LookedUpTableCellRenderer Highlights a TableCell yellow if it in an instance of LookedUpDynamicEnumeration.
Navigator A class that controls which ArrayImages are seen (as well as the order) when the user clicks the "Next" and "Back" buttons.
NodeMaker Contains helper methods for making the tree structure of Projects,ArraySlides,Scans,and Sessions in the ProjectFrame.
PaperURL The pdf URL of a paper.
PublishedSessionsNodes A Helper class for generating the Published Sessions Nodes in the JTree in the Projects Frame.
RecentComboBox A ComboBox that divides the elements into 2 sections: recently chosen elements and everything else.
ResizableTableComponentListener Added to a window with a JTable, this ComponentListener adjusts the row height of the JTable whenever the window is resized.
RowHeaderList A row-header viewport for a JScrollPane.
RowHeaderListRenderer A Renderer for the JList that serves the row-header viewpoint for the HeaderTableScrollPane.
ScoreData A Class that represents the what fields (not values) a user has assigned to a spot
ScrollPaneMouseInputListener A MouseListener and MouseMotionListener that scrolls a JScrollPane.
SeparatedComboBoxRenderer A ComboBox that allows its items to be separated with a JSeparator.
SessionBeansHolder Contains initialized Beans used in the Images application.
SessionWindowListener A WindowListener attached to the ArraySlideFrame so that when it is closed, the session is removed from the active sessions list.
SharedNodes Contains helper methods for generating the Shared Sessions Tree Structure in the Project Frame.
Size Represents height and width
SteppedComboBox A ComboBox that allows the popup dialog to be wider than the actual ComboBox.
SteppedComboBoxUI The UI for a SteppedComboBox.
StringSet A Set of case-insensitive Strings.
TableField A FieldName and a TableName.
TableFieldComparator A Compartor used to compare TableFields used in DetailsRequest.
TableFieldRenderer A Renderer for TableFields, which are the objects found in the columns of the DotTableFrame.
UserPermission A UserID and a PermissionType (READ OR WRITE).

Enum Summary
ImageSize The 4 sizes of ArrayImages in TMAJ.
UserPermission.PermissionType Either READ or WRITE.

Exception Summary
NoArrayImageException Thrown to indicate that an ArrayImage can not be located.

Package Description

Provides data structures and helper classes for running the Image Analysis application. The ArrayImageDataSettable interface allows the applications to be grouped together and set based on an x and y coordinate.