Interface MachineScoresParser

All Known Implementing Classes:
AcisMachineScoresParser, BlissMachineScoresParser

interface MachineScoresParser

An interface that allows a tab-delimited file of MachineScores to be imported into TMAJ.

Method Summary
 Coordinate getCoordinate(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> name_value)
          Gets the X,Y Coordinate from a Map representing one row in the file.
 java.util.List<MachineScoreField> getFieldList()
          Returns a List of all the ScoredFields the Machine outputs that TMAJ can import.

Method Detail


Coordinate getCoordinate(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> name_value)
Gets the X,Y Coordinate from a Map representing one row in the file. (The Map maps fieldNames to values. )


java.util.List<MachineScoreField> getFieldList()
Returns a List of all the ScoredFields the Machine outputs that TMAJ can import.