Package edu.jhu.tmaj.servlet.request.impl

Contains all the Requests that can be sent to the server from the client.


Interface Summary
MachineScoresParser An interface that allows a tab-delimited file of MachineScores to be imported into TMAJ.
MetaDataAddRequest.AddOperation An operation that adds a new record to a MetaData table.
MetaDataAlterRequest.AlterOperation An operation that either changes the name of or deletes a Meta Data Record.

Class Summary
AcisMachineScoresParser A MachineScoresParser for the Chromavision ACIS machine.
ArrayCoreC Represents an ArrayCore.
ArrayCoreDetailsRequest Returns the detailed design of an ArrayBlock to be printed to a tab-delimited file.
ArrayCoreReferenceRequest Used to get information about Specimens,Blocks, and TissueDiagnosis in the ArrayBuilder application.
ArrayCoresOpenRequest Gets the arraycores for a specified ArrayBlock.
ArrayCoresSaveRequest Writes a List of ArrayCores to the database.
ArrayImageAddRequest Used for importing scanned arrayImages into the database.
ArrayImageCollectionRequest Class is responsible for initialing the ArraySlideFrame in the Images Application.
BadImagesUpdateRequest Updates the isBad status of an ArrayImage if it is inconsistent from the value in provided ArrayImageCollectionBean.
BlissMachineScoresParser A MachineScoresParser for the Bacus Labs BLISS machine.
ChangeLogsSaveRequest Inserts a List of ChangeLogs into the database.
ChangePasswordRequest Used to change the password of a user.
CheckIfSpecimenExistsRequest Checks to see if a specimen with the same SurgPathNumber and HospitalID exists.
CopyArrayBlockRequest Copies the design of one arrayBlock to another.
CopySessionRequest Copies the scored data from one Session to another.
DetailsRequest A Details request generally returns a response that is put into a table format.
DiagnosisLookupRequest Enables use of the "Automatic Lookup Feature" to lookup a Diagnosis (not a type) in ArrayImages.
DynamicMetaDataRequest This Request is used to initialize DyanmicMetaData .
EnumerationsRequest Gets the Enumerations for given an EnumerationsGroup.
ExpressEntryRequest Inserts a new specimen, block, and tissueDiagnosis in the ExpressEntryDialog in the ArrayBuilder application.
GrossDescriptionRequest Obtains the GrossDescription and Diagnosis of a specimen in SingleInputPanel
GrossDescriptionWipeRequest Removes the Patient Name from the GrossDescription.
HistoryRequest A Request used to show the history of a specified record in TMAJ.
ImageInfoRequest Obtains information about an ArrayImageID, such as the original diagnosis.
InitDatabaseRequest This class allows the user to fill the database with sample data and a default user account when they are setting up the application for the first time, rather than having to run a platform-dependent database script separately.
InvalidateMachineScoresRequest A Request to set a MachineScore record as invalid (or valid).
IsArrayBlockBlankRequest A request that determines if an ArrayBlock has had a user put in information on it's cores.
LoginRequest Returns a userbean containing all the permissions of the user given the user's username and password.
LogoutRequest Purely for logging purposes, this request ensures that a record will be appear in the log when a user logs out.
LookupTableRequest Gets the data from a LookupTable.
MachineScoresImportRequest Imports MachineScores, that is scores that are given automatically by an Imaging-Scanning machine, as opposed to by a human-being.
MachineScoresInfoRequest Returns machine-scored data from the MachineScores table given an ArrayImageID.
MachineScoresQuery Add machine scores for every MachineScoresSession to the DotTableFrame.
ManyToManyTableRequest This Request initializes a ManyToManyBean by calling its manyToManyBean.initialize() method.
ManyToManyUpdateRequest This Request is used to update a ManyToMany table.
MetaDataAddRequest Used to add a record to one of the DynamicMeta Data sections.
MetaDataAddRequest.EnumAdd Add to a Enums table.
MetaDataAddRequest.FieldAdd Add to a Fields table.
MetaDataAddRequest.TypeAdd Adds to a Types table.
MetaDataAlterRequest A Request to change the name of a MetaData record, or delete it.
MetaDataAlterRequest.DeleteOperation Delete a MetaData record.
MetaDataAlterRequest.ModifyOperation Change the name of a Meta Data record.
OriginalTypeRequest A Request that gets the original TissueType (assigned in TissueDiagnosis) of an ArrayImage.
ProjectsArraySlidesAddRequest Adds a record to the ProjectsArraySlides table.
QuantityLeftRequest An operation that determines how much is left of a particular sample.
RecentSessionDeleteRequest A Request that deletes all of a users records in the RecentSessions table.
RecentSessionGetRequest A Request to get the most recently accessed sessions for a user.
RecentSessionUpdateRequest Indicate a user has accessed a session, and to log it in the RecentSessions table.
ScoreDataHandler A class for running a SQL statement that will modify the ScoreData inside an ArrayImageCollectionBean.
ScoredImageDetailsRequest Retrieves information about every x and y position from a session (a scored array) and puts it into a table format (List of Lists).
ScoredImageQuery Adds data from the ScoredImages table to the field_value maps in mapList.
SelectRequest Gets a SelectResponse from a JBean.
SessionDescriptionsRequest This request is used by AnalysisFrame to return a description of the users sessions.
ShapesLoadRequest Returns Shapes associated with a specified arrayImageID and SessionID
ShapesQuery Add data from the shapes table to the supplied expandingMap.
ShapesSaveRequest Saves shapes to a specified scoredImageID.
SpecimenIdentifiersRequest Gets information that can be used to uniquely identify a specimen or patient record, for example the Hospital and the SurgPathNumber.
SpecimensAssignRequest A Request that assigns specimens to a user so that the user may access them.
TranslatedRowRequest Writes a TranslatedRow to the database.
UpdateRequest Modifies the specified bean in the database with either an update, insert, or delete.
UsedTissueTypesRequest Retrieves all TissueTypes relevant for a session.
UsersSessionsGetRequest Gets the users who have permission to a sessionID, other than the session's owner.
UsersSessionsSaveRequest Sends a request that alters the user permissions for a Session.
Verifier Utility class that verifies server Requests based on the UserBean obtained from the username/password submitted.

Enum Summary
ArrayCoreReferenceRequest.ReferenceRequestType How an ArrayCoreReferenceBean may be initialized, either by the entire ArrayBlock, or just one TissueDiagnosisID.

Package edu.jhu.tmaj.servlet.request.impl Description

Contains all the Requests that can be sent to the server from the client. Requests contain code that is executed on the server side, which then returns a response.