Class TissueDiagnosisBean

  extended by edu.jhu.tmaj.beans.JBean
      extended by edu.jhu.tmaj.beans.dynamic.DynamicJBean
          extended by edu.jhu.tmaj.beans.dynamic.TissueDiagnosisBean
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable

public final class TissueDiagnosisBean
extends DynamicJBean

Represents the table TissueDiagnosis and accompaining Dynamic table, TissueDiagnosisData. A TissueDiagnosis (sometimes called sub-block) is a region on a donor-block that has been circled and given a diagnosis. For example, a block may have 3 circles on it. The first circle might represent an area of normal tissue, the second circle an area of cancer tissue, and third circle another area of cancer tissue. Each circle represents one TissueDiagnosis or sub-block. Physically a TissueDiagonsis is 3-dimensional, since a block is also 3-dimensional. Each of the TissueDiagnosis's on a block is given a lesion letter, and physically written on the block. Generally the first lesion letter is A, second is B, and so on. Thus, if you know the block and a lesion letter, you can uniquely identify a TissueDiagnosis. The TissueDiagonisBean is a dynamicBean, thus based on different types (it's tissuetype) the user will pick from different fields. For example, if a circled-area is diagnosised as "Prostate Cancer", different fields will appear that if it type is called "Normal Bladder Tissue". Notes: In practice, the very top of a block is cut off to make an h&e-stained slide. The circled-areas are actually drawn onto this slide and labeled, not the block itself. But the slide (which is 2-dimensional) will represent the block (which is 3-dimensional). Note: The diagnosis may change and you go deeper into the block. Remember the slide used to make the diagnosis was cut from the very top of the block. So the top of the block may be cancer, but as you go lower it may turn to normal again. This is one reason why all tissue is "re-diagnonsed" in the images application. How ArrayBlocks are created from TissueDiagnosis's:
A hollow cylinder is inserted into the circled area and tissue is obtained from the donor-block. The tissue is then placed in a specified coordinate (e.g. x=1,y=4) of the array-block (or receipient-block).

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static DatabaseField AREA_FIELD
static DatabaseField BLOCK_ID_FIELD
static DatabaseField ID_FIELD
static DatabaseField INPUT_LOG_FIELD
static DatabaseField LESION_LETTER_FIELD
static DatabaseField MICROSCOPIST_ID_FIELD
static DatabaseField NOTES_FIELD
static DatabaseField OUTSIDE_TD_NUMBER_FIELD
static DatabaseField REGION_SIZE_FIELD
static DatabaseField TISSUE_TYPE_ID_FIELD
Fields inherited from class edu.jhu.tmaj.beans.dynamic.DynamicJBean
Fields inherited from class edu.jhu.tmaj.beans.JBean
Constructor Summary
TissueDiagnosisBean(StaticMetaData staticMetaData, DynamicMetaData dynamicMetaData)
Method Summary
 int getBlockID()
          Returns the BlockID on which this TissueDiagnosis has been circled.
 java.lang.Integer getCellLineExperimentID()
(package private)  java.lang.String getDynamicSQL(Search search)
          Returns a SQL statement that will pull records from the DynamicData table (e.g.
 java.lang.String getDynamicTableName()
          Returns the name of the Table that contains the DynamicData for this Bean, for example, SpecimenData.
 DatabaseField[] getFieldsArray()
          Returns an Array of TFields representing the columnnames of this bean.
 java.lang.String getLesionLetter()
          Returns the letter assigned to the circle.
 JBean getNewInstance()
          Returns a new instance of this bean.
 java.lang.String getOutsideTDNumber()
 java.lang.String getSQL(Search search)
          Returns a SELECT SQL statement given a Search.
 DatabaseTable getTable()
 DatabaseField getTypeField()
          Returns the TField column where the type of this DynamicBean is put.
Methods inherited from class edu.jhu.tmaj.beans.dynamic.DynamicJBean
addDynamicValue, createFromSwingMap, getBeanList, getColumnIdentifiers, getDynamicBaseSQL, getDynamicColumnIdentifiers, getDynamicMetaData, getEnumerations, getSwingHash, getSwingToBeanObject, getTypeID, insert, isEnumerated, setTypeID, syncDynamicData, update
Methods inherited from class edu.jhu.tmaj.beans.JBean
compareTo, createFromResultSet, delete, equals, getAllStaticColumnIdentifiers, getBaseSQL, getBeanInDatabase, getBeanList, getClassForType, getDateField, getDefaultBeanObjectForType, getDefaultSwingObjectForType, getDoubleField, getFieldValue, getID_Bean_Map, getID, getIntegerField, getNonNullString, getPrimaryKeyField, getPrimaryKeyName, getSelectResponse, getStaticMetaData, getStringField, getTableName, getUserBean, getWhereClause, hashCode, setDoubleField, setID, setIntegerField, setUserBean, toString, verify
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final DatabaseField ID_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField TISSUE_TYPE_ID_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField BLOCK_ID_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField LESION_LETTER_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField OUTSIDE_TD_NUMBER_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField MICROSCOPIST_ID_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField CELL_LINE_EXPERIMENT_ID_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField AREA_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField REGION_SIZE_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField NOTES_FIELD


public static final DatabaseField INPUT_LOG_FIELD
Constructor Detail


public TissueDiagnosisBean(StaticMetaData staticMetaData,
                           DynamicMetaData dynamicMetaData)
Method Detail


public int getBlockID()
Returns the BlockID on which this TissueDiagnosis has been circled.


public java.lang.String getLesionLetter()
Returns the letter assigned to the circle.


public java.lang.String getOutsideTDNumber()


public java.lang.Integer getCellLineExperimentID()


public JBean getNewInstance()
Description copied from class: JBean
Returns a new instance of this bean.

Specified by:
getNewInstance in class JBean


public DatabaseField getTypeField()
Description copied from class: DynamicJBean
Returns the TField column where the type of this DynamicBean is put.

Specified by:
getTypeField in class DynamicJBean


public java.lang.String getDynamicTableName()
Description copied from class: DynamicJBean
Returns the name of the Table that contains the DynamicData for this Bean, for example, SpecimenData.

Specified by:
getDynamicTableName in class DynamicJBean


public DatabaseTable getTable()
Specified by:
getTable in class JBean


public DatabaseField[] getFieldsArray()
Description copied from class: JBean
Returns an Array of TFields representing the columnnames of this bean.

Specified by:
getFieldsArray in class JBean


java.lang.String getDynamicSQL(Search search)
Description copied from class: DynamicJBean
Returns a SQL statement that will pull records from the DynamicData table (e.g. SpecimenData)

getDynamicSQL in class DynamicJBean


public java.lang.String getSQL(Search search)
Description copied from class: JBean
Returns a SELECT SQL statement given a Search.

getSQL in class JBean